Make Dirty Coffee at home with the AeroPress maker.
Let's prepare the raw materials and equipment.

1.PACAMARA Classic Blend coffee
(We have a coffee bean grinding service for you. You can inform the barista to grind for the type of machine you use.)

2.The AeroPress maker set is available at all Pacamara branches.

3.Fresh milk in a chilled glass.

4.Hot water kettle

5.Let's get started.
Prepare the AeroPress maker by placing filter paper in the chamber, then rinse the filter paper with hot water. and warm up the device

6. Measure 20 grams of PACAMARA Classic Blend coffee beans, medium-fine grind, and put the prepared coffee into the Aeropress cylinder.

7.pouring water 2 rounds. Use water at a temperature of 94 degrees.
Round 1 - Pour the hot water from the center until you get 40 ml of water.

8. Start stirring 10 times (within 10 seconds), Wait until the 30-second time is up.

9. Round 2 - Pour the hot water from the center until you get 40 ml of water.

10. Then stir another 5 times (within 5 seconds).

11. Close the lid and wait until 1:15 minutes are up (total takes 1:45 minutes).

12. Turn the Aeropress upside down onto a glass of chilled fresh milk. Then let's start pressing (takes 30 seconds to press until all the coffee is extracted).

13. Just like this, you can drink delicious Dirty Coffee.

14.Tips: Recommended coffee extraction ratio: Ratio 1:4
1 part coffee to 4 parts water = 20 grams of coffee, add 80 grams of water.

15.Tips: Stirring coffee during brewing Helps to increase coffee extraction. The stronger the stir or the more time it takes to stir, the more coffee flavor will be obtained. But you have to be careful when stirring. Because of too many people This may cause the coffee to extract an excessively bitter taste as well.